Seussical the Musical at Newton High School

NEWTON Senior Kyle Cramer was nothing short of spectacular as the Cat in the Hat in Newton High School's production of "Suessical the Musical," which they performed four times this past weekend. Everything from the choreography to the accompaniment by the school's orchestra, in this writer's opinion, was Broadway-worthy. Seussical brings to life all of the favorite Dr. Seuss characters in a rather complex amalgamation of many of Seuss's most famous books. Ten-year-old Gregory Nappa did a fantastic job as JoJo, and the duet performed by Nappa and freshman Luke Liefken, who played Horton the Elephant, awed the audience. Jeorgi Smith was Gertrude McFuzz and took on the role perfectly as she portrayed the bird's awkward determination to win Horton's affection. Erin Jackson was a stunning Mayzie LaBird, strutting her stuff and belting out Mayzie's songs with great enthusiasm. Senior Jess Mullin made her fifth and final appearance on the Newton High School Stage as Sour Kangaroo. Her voice had a strong gospel inflection with all due soul. Anthony Perigo payed General Ghengis Khan Schmidt, and Chris Nappa and Michelle Guillorn made a great performing couple as Mr. and Mrs. Mayor. The Wickershams were played by Mohammad Balatero, Tommy Bradford and Jullian Mones. Christine Miserendino, Allie Erhard, Jordan Lombardo and Hanna played the Bad Girls, and Alex Grave de Peralta was Yertle the Turtle. Errol Bareiss made a perfectly sinister-turned-Who-friendly Grinch, and Katherine Gannon was Cindi Lou Who. Evan Daire played the part of Vladikoff and little guy Brady Scullin came out at the end as Elephant Bird. The stage crew performed their job beautifully in maneuvering the walk-out stage they had built around the orchestra. Conducted by Steve O'Toole, the band seemed never to miss a note. Members included Gabvin Stobie, Bethany Stobie, Zhi-pShui Hsu, Andrea Rodriguez, Kyle Schmitt, Ellari Hillard, Joe Makowitz, Nick Aquilino, Kyle Reimer, Sam Hontz, Megan Robinson, Jordan Rothstein, Eric Dawson, Emma Klein, Victoria O'Brien, Lauren Robinson, Emma Taylor, Alexandra O'Brien, Elisabeth O'Brien, Ian Keebler, Ken O'Rourke, Luke Ciancarelli, Austin Koehler, Kevin Miskovich, Jerry Ulichny, Nick Rosado, Tom Aquilino and Justin Dionne. Rodney Carrol designed the set and Ken Aulicino was the set foreman. During intermission, a group of "stage moms" sold baked goods, water, raffle tickets and, of course, Dr. Seuss hats. Guada Jacob was the head hats salesperson, and with her great sales-pitch voice, those hats moved. Her daughter, Brittany, is a freshman and was part of the stage crew.