Byram cracks down on e-mail use

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:14

    Byram-The electronic highway is creating a new set of issues for the Byram governing body. At a council meeting earlier this week, township officials acknowledged the muncipality is curently concerned with misuse of e-mail services by municipal employees. Although the town officials did not cite a specific problem or instance of the digital abuse, they did say they would work to correct the issue. "We need better control of distribution lists," said Councilman Earl Riley in reference to Byram Township e-mail accounts. "The way that e-mail travels, things get taken out of context." Councilman James Oscovitch recommended the township offer an "e-mail 101" course to better familiarize municipality representatives with all of the functions e-mail offers. "We all have laws we abide by," said Councilwoman Donna Griff in support of new e-mail guidelines. "I'm not allowed to get personal e-mail at work." She added that she sometimes receives inappropriate material via her Byram Township e-mail account. Township Manager Greg Poff said he will begin working with the township employees to help familiarize them with what kind of e-mail use the township deems to be acceptable. However, he said it is up to council members to discuss e-mail concerns and issues with the township's commissions, boards, and advisory committees.