Contamination info up and running on Internet
BYRAM-Residents effected by the well contamination in the East Brookwood section of Bryam can now find information updates posted on the township's Web site, As of this week, 14 private wells in the area have been found to be contaminated with trichlorethylene, a commonly used solvent and degreaser. The township recently promised to post information on the Internet as a way to keep residents informed. Status updates have been provided on the Web site as well as critical information to aid residents in having their wells tested. In addition, the site provides a list with costs and telephone numbers of testing sites familiar with the situation in Byram. "We want to communicate to all residents and keep them informed," said Township Manager Greg Poff. "We want to keep down the anxiety level." But officials stressed that the exchange of information is a two way street. "It is very important that residents get back any information they have so we can compile it and get it back to the state," said Poff. "The scope of the work is really outside of town hall and the county. It is in the hands of the state. We will have to work on an integrated information system." Currently, 12 of the effected 14 homes have installed dual carbon filter systems to remove contaminants. However, the source of the contamination is still unknown. The state Department of Environmental Protection is scheduled to be in the area at the end of June to conduct further water tests to try and determine just where the trichlorethylene is coming from. Residents who do not have access to the Internet can get updated information by contacting the town manager's office directly at 973-347-2500.