Learning how to forgive
The Center for Prevention and Counseling and the Forgive for Good Center is will present Step One of the Forgiveness Certification Training on Nov. 4 and Nov. 5 at the Center for Prevention and Counseling. This two day workshop is designed to teach participants the forgiveness process used in the Stanford Forgiveness Projects. Whether the goal is to expand professional tools or enhance personal life, Jed Rosen will guide participants through the Steps of Forgiveness in this two-part series. The cost is $150 per day and is approved for six NASW CEUs per day. This workshop has also been submitted for six CADC and LCADC renewal credits per day. Additionally, this event meets requirements of the NJ Department of Education for Professional Development Hours. For more information call Dianna at 973-383-4787, email dianna@centerforprevention.org or visit and register securely through PayPal at www.centerforprevention.org. Pre-registration is required.