NMH hosts Look Good, Feel Better' program
SPARTA Newton Memorial Hospital will host a free "Look Good, Feel Better" program from 6-8 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 19, to teach patients how to maintain their appearance while undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy treatment. The program will take place at the Sparta Health and Wellness Center, 89 Sparta Avenue, Sparta, and will include expert advice from certified cosmetologists on the use of makeup, scarves and wigs. The program, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, is non-medical and will not interfere with medical treatments, make any medical or physical claims, or replace medical services in any way. The program is also "product neutral" and does not endorse any brand, product or salon. Participating cosmetologists volunteer their services free of charge. Attendees may bring a friend or family member with them for support. Pre-registration is required. For more information, call 973-579-8340.