Reading wizards

| 15 Feb 2012 | 11:28

FREDON — Fourth through sixth-grade students at the Fredon School participated in an accelerated reading program during library period. The students read books, took quizzes and earned points for each quiz passed. Each student was given a goal for the marking period and if reached they attended Hogsmede Day at the end of the marking period. Hogsmede is a magical town within the Harry Potter book series. Fredon's Hogsmede has four stores: Honeydukes (candy shop), Weasley's Wizarding Store (toys, puzzles), a Sports Shop (sporting goods) and a Harry Potter Shop (books and wands). Each student that met their goal got an invitation to Hogsmede Day where they receive Sickles (wizard money) to spend based on how many points they earned. The students can shop and spend their money that they have earned.