Space is celebrity reader at learning center

Newton Sussex County Freeholder Parker Space recently stopped by the pre-school classroom at the Little Sprouts Early Learning Center to share a few favorite story books as part of Project Self-Sufficiency’s Celebrity Reader program. "It is important to take the time to read to your kids, for it helps set their path in life," said Space. The Celebrity Reader program is a component of Project Self-Sufficiency’s Family Literacy Program, which exists primarily to assist parents with obtaining their GED or with passing the college placement exam. While in the program, parents also engage in a variety of activities designed to promote literacy within the entire family. Project Self-Sufficiency is a private non-profit community-based organization dedicated to improving the lives of low-income families residing in northwestern New Jersey. The agency’s mission is to provide a broad spectrum of holistic, respectful and comprehensive services enabling low-income single parents, teen parents, two-parent families and displaced homemakers to improve their lives and the lives of their children through the achievement of personal and economic self-sufficiency and family stability. Since 1986 Project Self-Sufficiency has served more than 19,500 families, including over 30,000 children. To appear as a Celebrity Reader or to find out more about participating in the Family Literacy Program or any of the other programs and services available at Project Self-Sufficiency, call the agency at 973-940-3500.