Upcoming recreation committee events
ANDOVER The annual fall teen dance is planned for Friday, Nov. 18, at the Hillside Park Hall from 7-9:30 p.m. Andover students in the seventh and eighth grades are invited to attend. Parental permission slips will be sent home with the students prior to the dance. Only those students who have signed parental permission slips with them will be permitted to enter the dance. There will be a DJ and snacks provided by the Andover Recreation Committee. In lieu of an entrance fee, the Student Council will determine a charity that the students can donate goods or funds to. NYC bus trip The Andover Recreation Committee is taking reservations for seats on the annual bus trip to the Big Apple on Saturday, Dec. 3, for holiday shopping, sightseeing, theater, museum visits and other activities. The bus fee for Andover Township residents is $15 for each seat. For nonresidents the fee is $25. The bus will depart from the Florence M. Burd School on Dec. 3 at 8 a.m. and will depart NYC at 6 p.m. for the return trip home. For more information call the Andover Recreation Office at 973-383-4280, ext. 234.