Civil War prison is meeting topic
NEWTONDr. Michael Gray, Professor of History at East Stroudsburg University will speak on the topic "The Elmira Prison during the Civil War" at the May 17 meeting of the Henry Ryerson Civil War Round Table at Sussex County Community College. Dr. Gray's book, "The Business of Captivity: Elmira & its Civil War Prison," was recently published by the University of Kansas Press. The treatment of prisoners of war is one of the many controversial issues to emerge from the Civil War. At two stockades, the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia, and the Union prison at Elmira, New York, suffering was acute and mortality was high. Dr. Gray will speak on all aspects of the infamous Civil War prison and give the listeners a perspective on what it was like to be confined to a stockade for an extended period. The presentation will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Sussex County Community College Theater, D-Building. Shuttles are available from the upper parking lot to the theater. For more information, call 973-300-2122.