D’Ambrosi to demonstrate origami today
HAMPTON TWP. Carlo D’Ambrosi will be the guest speaker at the Sussex County Art Society meeting.

Origami enthusiast Carlo D’Ambrosi will demonstrate how he creates his origami pieces at the Thursday, Sept. 12 meeting of the Sussex County Art Society (SCAS).
He also will teach his audience how to make an origami piece with paper at the meeting at noon in the Hampton Community Center, 1 Rumsey Way, Newton.
The public and prospective new members are welcome to attend.
The SCAS meets on the second Thursday of each month except for July and August.
D’Ambrosi is a substitute teacher and paraprofessional at the Frankford School and a lifelong origami and poetry enthusiast.
His origami has been incorporated into several of his published original poems and has been featured at the 30th and 31st annual Interfaith Peace Gatherings and in the American Museum of Natural History on its annual origami Christmas tree.
His passion for origami was ignited in grade school when his late father, Aldo, took him to New York City during the holiday season to see the Rockefeller Center tree and the festively decorated windows on Fifth Avenue. Japan Airlines had a rotating Christmas tree on display that was covered in hundreds of origami models of animals and objects folded from various types of paper.
Having noticed his son’s unvoiced fascination, his father surprised him a few days later by bringing home an array of origami books and paper that he had picked up in a Manhattan shop along his garbage route.
A four-hour watercolor workshop on how to paint fall flowers will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 23 at the Hampton Community Center. It will be led by Doris Ettlinger. For information on this workshop, send email to wendystamer@yahoo.com
Funding for SCAS demonstrations has been made available in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through the State/County Partnership Block Grant Program, as administered by the Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council.