Kiwanis youth have active first year
VERNON-Feb. 16, 2005 marked the official induction of the Kiwanis Builders Club and Key Club members sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Vernon Township. The Builders Club includes select students from Glen Meadow Middle School and is advised by Dr. Nelson and Mrs. Podorf, with Mrs. Chiapperino acting as liaison. The Key Club consists of students from the Vernon Township High School under the direction of Ms. Perry and Mrs. Higgins. Each club has about 40 members that provide an array of services to the Vernon community and to outside charities. These girls and boys meet after school, giving up their free time to help others in need. Some of their accomplishments include a Fall Festival for younger children, Halloween crafts for special education classes, babysitting services during the holidays, the "Band Jam," ongoing tutoring, food drives, candy sales, and bake sales. The children have raised thousands of dollars for local charities such as Ginny's house, Meals on Wheels, Harvest House, toy drives, the Vernon Animal Shelter, and Friends of Animals. The groups have also raised a considerable sum to aid the Tsunami victims. Other organizations that have benefited from the clubs' efforts include Juvenile Diabetes, Locks of Love, and project Bag Hunger. Next month Lounsberry Hollow will begin its own Kiwanis-sponsored group called the "K-Kids Club".