Miss Sparta-Amelia Hansen

Age: 17 Parents: Nancy and Svend Hansen Academic accomplishments: honor roll (10th, 11th, 12th) Plans for the Future: I hope to become a doctor and move to a small town where I can open my own practice as a family doctor. I want to be the type of doctor who has the same patients for years and can develop relationships with them. I hope to get married and have three children (two boys and a younger girl to be exact) and when I retire, I want to live in a foreign country. Community Involvement: active pass-it-along member, youth group at Our Lady of the Lake church, made and delivered thanksgiving baskets for the underprivileged, volunteer at Bristol Glen nursing home for Valentine's Day party and Christmas decorating, volunteer and annual 5k run in Sparta. Issues in Sparta: Many people love Sparta because it is a small town that has a comfortable, at home type of feeling. It is like a safe little bubble that is a step outside of most of the "real world." The problem that the town is facing now is growth. As more and more developments are being constructed and people are flooding in, it is important that the rest of the town grows as well. Things like schools, roads, and businesses are having trouble keeping up with the larger population. While the building of a new high school is presently being debated by the school board and city council, other issues such as larger roads, more sidewalks, and another grocery store are all important factors in the life of the "everyday Spartan." It is hard to maintain the small town appeal as the town grows, but that is exactly what people are moving here to achieve.