Miss Sparta-Clare Mountjoy

Age: 18 years old Parents: Anne and Rich Mountjoy Academic Accomplishments: First & Second Honor Roll 9, 10, 11, 12; Academic Excellence in Theology 10; Academic Excellence in U.S. History 11; Academic Achievement in Honors German III & IV 11 & 12; Converse Junior Scholar Award for Merit and Leadership Plans for the future: I will attend Marist College in the fall and pursue a career in business. Community Involvement: Stand Tall 9, 10, 11, 12 n Drug Free Program; Mission Club 11, 12; Lifeguards/Life Witness Team 11, 12 n Treasurer (11 & 12); Key Club 11, 12; Operation Smile 11; Para liturgy Committee 12; Student Council 11, 12 n Class Treasurer 12; Pass-it-Along 10, 11, 12 n Highest Service Hours n 10 & 12; Yearbook 12; Habitat for Humanity Walk; 5K Walkathon; Altar Sever 5th-10th grade; Eucharistic Minister 11th-12th grade; Church Youth Group 10th-12th grade Sparta's Issues: One of the most important issues affecting Sparta is the need to improve the school system. In order for this improvement be achieved, there needs to be a change in the way the Town Council and the School Board work together to address the problems. Without a strong school system, the academic programs offered the students will be compromised. In addition, the current residents of Sparta will be adversely impacted on their property values. Potential residents will not consider Sparta because one of the things they will be looking for their families is a good, highly rated school system.