Play, art exhibit at SCCC
NEWTON. ‘12 Angry Jurors’ runs Nov. 14-23 while the art exhibit ‘Perspectives in Grisaille’ will be open through Dec. 17.

The Visual and Performing Arts Department at Sussex County Community College (SCCC) is presenting two shows this month at the college’s Performing Arts Center and Atrium gallery.
“12 Angry Jurors” is drama about a jury that must decide whether a teenager is guilty of murdering his father. The jury votes 11-1 that the man is guilty, but the law requires a unanimous vote by all 12 jurors. Tempers flare as the 11 jurors try to bring the dissenter to their side.
The play is adapted by Sherman Sergel and directed by Professor Allison Ognibene of Sparta.
Complementing it is an exhibit titled “Perspectives in Grisaille” with works from the ARTA 180-01 Painting 1 class taught by Professor Janet Cunniffe-Chieffo of Denville.
It features 20 oil paintings that explore themes of uncertainty and looking at life from different perspectives. The painting technique used, called grisaille, uses only black and white to create all shades of gray.
Show dates for “12 Angry Jurors” are 7:30 p.m. Nov. 14, Nov. 15, Nov. 22 and Nov. 23 and 2 p.m. Nov. 16 and Nov. 23.
The cast will be on stage for 90 minutes. The play has one intermission.
All tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the door or online at
The exhibition is free and open to the public Nov. 11-Dec. 17.
An artist discussion of the works will be at 5 p.m. Nov. 19 in the atrium of the Performing Arts Center, One College Hill Road, Newton.
Panel discussion Nov. 23
The SCCC Criminal Justice and Legal Studies departments will hold a panel discussion called “The Importance of a Jury in a Criminal Trial” at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 23 in Performing Art Center’s Atrium.
The discussion is free and open to the public.
Panelists include retired Judge Terence Flynn and SCCC Professor Rachelle Jones, with SCCC Professor Dawn Flanders as the moderator.
The discussion will focus on the importance of picking a jury through jury verdict.
The hour-long special event complements the production of “12 Angry Jurors” and art exhibit “Perspectives in Grisaiile.”
Flynn recently retired after 25 years serving as a judge of the New Jersey Superior Court. Before being appointed to the bench, he was for many years a senior litigation counsel in the criminal, frauds and organized crime strike force divisions of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey.
He also was an adjunct professor of law at both Seton Hall and Rutgers law schools, teaching criminal trial practice.
Cast and crew
Other professors involved with the “12 Angry Jurors” include Anthony Ur, who handles the projections; Camille Fuller, the costume designer; Rani O’Brien, the dramaturg; Jimmy Jeffreys, the photographer; and Tim O’Connor, the sound mixer.
The cast and production crew of “12 Angry Jurors” include SCCC students, alumni and members of the community. Some roles are shared.
Members of the cast and production crew and their residences:
Andover: Felicia Artrip as Juror 4 (shared role); Jude Cerasoli as Guard; Jodi Halteman, properties manager.
Byram: Walter Stanek as Juror 9 (shared role).
Branchville: Ben Smith as Juror 1 (week 2).
Hamburg: Chris Flatt as Juror 7.
Hardyston: Michael S. Foster as Juror 1 (week 1).
Hackettstown: Fenrir Lewin as Juror 11.
Hopatcong: Jackie Turkington as Juror 2 (week 2); Emily Rennie as Juror 4 (shared role); Jess Dooley, scenic painter.
Montague: Phil Cocilovo as Juror 8 (Saturdays only) and technical director; Alex Stapel, stage manager.
Newton: Lisa Geerhart as Juror 9 (shared role); Logan Daingerfield, assistant stage manager; Melissa Marshall, sound designer and operator.
Ogdensburg: Alyssa Zemietra, assistant stage manager.
Sparta: Max Cagno as Guard; Emma Muth as Judge and makeup and hair; Sky Sobeski as Juror 2 (shared role); Chad Wood, house manager.
Stanhope: Sam Bloch, lighting designer; Nicolas Galloza as Juror 12.
Stillwater: Dana Nigro as Juror 10; Leo Watson as Juror 3; Nina Bennett, sound mixer operator.
Vernon: Jennifer Balogh as Juror 6; Jason Cahill as Juror 8 (Thursday and Fridays); Danielle DiBattista as Juror 5; Michelle Dester, assistant director; Catarina Cruz, sound designer and operator.