Relationships are the subject of art show at County Arts gallery

| 06 Feb 2012 | 05:23

NEWTON — What does the relationship of man to nature look like? What are the colors of closeness? In the Relationships art exhibit, the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council is asking artists to explore relationships — any relationship. What seems to be a traditional subject for art proves to have numerous possibilities when viewed with a creative mind. James Nazz is showing sculptures that combine strong metal materials and delicate eggs. Nazz, who lives in Manhattan and Andover, is a freelance illustrator, photographer and digital imaging artist. He says he incorporates the egg in his sculptures because it’s an object that represents a life. The egg has long been used as a symbol in art and culture. Eggs even appear in wall sculptures from the Old Persian Empire of 500 BCE. When asked about the meaning of his sculpture, Nazz said he creates an interaction between the egg with other objects to project his feelings. This leaves a lot of room for the viewer's own response and interpretation — but it’s the relationship of the egg and the metal that initially grabs one's attention. The exhibit is also presenting artworks from Arts and Heritage Council’s pioneer artists. The Council celebrated its 40th year in 2011. It was founded in 1971 with a mission to foster the arts and designated by the Freeholders as the official arts and heritage organization in Sussex County. These pioneer artists have a long history and dedication to the arts, and to Sussex County.