Summer vacation tips
A summer vacation trip can be a very pleasant experience for you and your family. According to a recent study by the Travel Industry Association of America, nearly 80% of past-year travelers plan on taking at least one trip this summer. However, vacationing away from home can present safety risks as well a pleasures. "You can help make family trips more enjoyable by taking a few simple steps to reduce the possibility you will become an easy target for thieves who prey on tourists, or that your home will be robbed in your absence," says Maureen Sullivan of Allstate Insurance Company. Following some simple precautions can make your family vacation a memorable one for all the right reasons. " To help you enjoy a safe family vacation, the following are some tips from the Allstate Insurance Company to make sure your home is protected while you're away: Stop mail and newspapers, or ask a neighbor to pick them up every day. Put several household lights on timers so they turn on and off at appropriate times. Arrange to have grass mowed while you're gone. Ask a neighbor to park in your driveway overnight - anything that might suggest someone's home. Make sure you don't pack unnecessary items and that your valuables are protected: Clean out your wallet or purse before you go; take only essential credit cards. Carry your purse close to your body, or wallet in an inside front pocket. Better yet, take a "fanny pack" or wear a money pouch under your clothes. Pack as lightly as possible. Lots of heavy, cumbersome bags will slow you down and make you more vulnerable to getting robbed. Keep a separate record of the contents of checked luggage. Keep anything of value such as medicine and jewelry in a carry-on that stays with you. In unfamiliar locations, you and your family should try to blend in with the crowd and not look too much like tourists: Don't display expensive jewelry, cameras, bags, and other items that might draw attention. Check maps before you go out so you can tour confidently. ·Stick to well-lighted, well-traveled streets at all times. Leave an itinerary of your trip with someone at home in case you need to be contacted. Carry an extra passport photo with you just in case you need to replace a stolen passport Don't use your home address on you luggage tags. You don't need to let anyone know where your empty house is located. Consider using your business card instead.