Vocal group moves to new digs
Newton Zephyr Vocal Ensemble, an a cappella ensemble launched in 2011, has relocated to Newton to be more accessible and centrally located for its audiences. The new venue, First United Methodist Church of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., near Newton High School, offers an inviting, reverberant space with vaulted wood ceilings and stained glass, and is perfect in resonance to enhance the unadorned human voice. For directions to the church, see the Zephyr Web site. New show "Out Of Africa," Zephyrs spring program, will present the exotic sounds, rhythms and color palettes of Africa and of countries whose music is influenced by African music: the Caribbean islands, Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba and the United States. Included will be protest music of the South African apartheid movement, classical pieces based upon the Venezuelan "salsa," the Brazilian "cateretê" and the Haitian "kalinda" as well as Jamaican reggae music, some Harry Belafonte, music of the American chain gangs and spirituals arranged by Moses Hogan and jazz music of Duke Ellington as arranged by Ward Swingle of The Swingle Singers. And, there will be Motown music and an American movie favorite from The Lion King, The Circle of Life. Movement is added to the music by choreographer Tina Wallace, co-owner of NJ Fitness and Dance in Stanhope. Zephyr is also slated to sing a portion of the spring concert programs of the Ridgewood-based Orpheus Club Mens Chorus on April 21 and 22, as a specially-invited guest performing ensemble. Information for these concerts is available at www.ridgewoodorpheusclub.org/FlyerSpring.pdf. Singers needed Zephyr is seeking a qualified baritone and tenor to fill current openings, as well as singers in all voice parts for its alternate list. See www.zephyrve.org or call 973-400-9374. In addition, the organization is seeking helpers in the areas of graphic design, publicity, marketing, social media and offering a $1,500 stipend to an arts administrative assistant. Send inquiries to info@zephyrve.org.