Boy starts Halfway to the Holidays toy drive

SPARTA. Donations of new unwrapped toys may be dropped off through June 25 at Lakeside Cafe and Stop & Shop, both in Sparta, and at Hayek’s Market in Newton.

Newton /
| 22 May 2024 | 01:35

An 11-year-old Sparta resident has launched a toy drive to bring holiday cheer to local children six months early.

The “Halfway to the Holidays Toy Drive,” organized by Brendan Kierans, will collect donations of new unwrapped toys through June 25 at Lakeside Cafe, 8 White Deer Plaza, and Stop & Shop, 5 Town Center Drive, both in Sparta, and at Hayek’s Market, 1 Mill St., Newton.

The donated toys will be distributed to Benny’s Bodega, 166 Spring St., Newton, and the Boys & Girls Club of Northwest New Jersey.

“I just want kids to feel special all year round, like someone cares about them always,” Brendan said. “There’s a lot of toy drives around Christmas time, but this time of year, a lot of kids have no toys to play with. I want all kids to be excited about summer and to have toys to play with.

“We’re asking for outdoor toys in particular, toys that kids can play with outside in the summer,” he added.

For information, call Adrian Kierans at (646) 240-2160.