The Newton High School Color Guard and Marching Band take part in Sussex County’s 24th annual Salute to Military Veterans Parade on Sunday, Nov. 3 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. (Photo by Nancy Madacsi)

Members of the U.S. Submarine Service march in Sussex County’s 24th annual Salute to Military Veterans Parade on Sunday, Nov. 3 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. (Photos by Nancy Madacsi)

Sussex County Clerk Jeffrey Parrott is master of ceremonies for the event.

Carol Johnson presents a Quilt of Valor to keynote speaker Emerson Crooks, second from right, and Frank Toth, center, who received a certificate of appreciation.

The High Point Regional High School chorus performs.

Parade grand marshal Emerson Crooks speaks during the program.

Frank Toth receives a certificate of appreciation.

Members of the Military Transport Association.

John Busco, left, of the Wanderers Car Club with parade grand marshal Emerson Crooks, retired from the U.S. Marine Corps.

Members of the Newton High School marching band.

The Purple Dragon K9s perform during the parade.

Frank Arminio conducts a POW/MIA ceremony.

Chaplain Don DeVore.

Emma Cooper sings the National Anthem.

Olivia Cantu, an eighth-grader at Lafayette Township School, reads her winning essay.

Maya Mianowski, an eighth-grader at Ogdensburg School, reads her winning essay.

Trey McClure, an eighth-grader at Halsted Middle School in Newton, won a contest to design a pin for the event.

The 2024 pin handed out to veterans.

Sussex County Commissioner Earl Schick speaks. Behind him, from left, are county clerk Jeffrey Parrott and Commissioners Jill Space and Jack DeGroot.

Gerald Sheard at the American Legion table.

Skip Eich, Ashley Outer, Rick Merchant and Deb Wan Blarcom of the Warriors’ Watch Riders.

A flag hangs from Newton and Sparta firetrucks at the Sussex County fairgrounds.