Double Duty

HAMPTON n The Tullys of Hampton are a patriotic family. Some might even say they are doubly patriotic. On May 28, Michael and Susan's son, Cadet Michael G. Tully, graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. This is the second time in two years the Tullys have celebrated such a milestone. In 2003, their daughter, Kimberly, graduated from West Point and received a commission as a second lieutenant. The younger Michael is a 2001 graduate of Kittatinny Regional High School. At the academy he served as a company commander, one of the highest positions in the cadet chain of command. Kimberly is also a Kittatinny graduate and is currently a first lieutenant serving as Executive Officer of the 887 Light Equipment Company, Engineers (101 Airborne Division-Air Assault) at Fort Campbell, Ky. Michael, now a second lieutenant, is attending helicopter flight school at Ft. Rucker