On Campus
Kate Lukacs of Sussex, a sophomore in the Kogod School of Business at American University majoring in Business Administration, was named to the fall 2004 Dean's List. To earn Dean's List at American University a student must obtain a 3.5 grade point average or better on their semester courses. Aimee Cunningham, daughter of James Cunningham of LaFayette and Kathleen Fendt of Sparta, was elected vice president of the Class of 2007 at Lynchburg College, a private college in central Virginia enrolling 2,200 students in the professional, liberal arts and sciences, and graduate studies. Cunningham, a graduate of Newton High School, is a sophomore English major. Anthony Michael Nicolini will be graduating Summa Cum Laude from Rutgers University, School of Engineering, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering on May 19. Anthony, a member of Tau Beta Pi (the National Engineering Honors Society), Rutgers Biomedical Engineering Honors Academy, and Alpha Eta Mu Beta (the National Biomedical Engineering Honors Society) will be continuing his studies at Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University School of Medicine as a Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Engineering beginning this fall. Anthony was a graduate of Sparta High School class of 2001. Sophomore Jessica Suter, daughter of Daniel and Diane Suter of Vernon, has been named to the Dean's List at Simon's Rock College of Bard in Great Barrington, Mass. for the fall 2004 semester. Being named to the list indicates that the student has undertaken a full course-load and has earned either a semester grade-point average of 3.5 or higher, or a semester GPA of 3.3 with grades of B or better in all subjects. Simon's Rock College of Bard is the nation's only four-year liberal arts and sciences college specifically designed for younger scholars.