Borough prepares to welcome children to its streets

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:15

    Stanhope-Stanhope is getting ready to welcome the students back to school in September, but the preparations are more than just the usual maintenance. Stanhope students will all be walkers come September since busing from the town will no longer be available. In preparation for the students, sidewalks and paths leading to schools are being trimmed of shrubbery and debris. The borough plans to have additional crossing guards, which are in the process of being hired, while locations for them are being discussed. Possible parental supervision in certain locations is also being considered as well. Some of the parents who attended the July 27 council meeting expressed concern over particular paths, such as those behind the high school, which they say, may need monitoring by adults to ensure the safety of the children walking to and from school. A popular path is across the High Point Condominium parking lot and residential streets. Residents of the condominium association expressed their concern to the board about additional vehicular and pedestrian traffic due to the number of children being dropped off at the location to continue on to the Valley Road School. The association has asked the board for help in monitoring the traffic. They have requested police assistance in enforcing the no trespassing rule. The association also is concerned about safety and liability if someone were to get hurt on the association's property. According to borough official, Arlene Fisher, from the zoning and code enforcement office has hit the pavement asking residents to trim bushes and remove other obstructions that could possibly cause blind spots for drivers and walkers alike. Additional sidewalks for certain locations are being considered. While addressing the board Fisher relayed the many calls her office has received concerning large recreational vehicles, boats and trailers left parked on residential streets. "Residents complain that they can't see kids walking or biking in the street. They also can't see other cars around these vehicles," said Fisher. Starting this school year, the borough will no longer provide transportation to children attending public schools. New Jersey law requires municipalities to provide this transportation to any child living over two miles from the school they are attending. Stanhope cover about two square miles.