Breaking News: Area community on the lookout for runaway Frosty
Editor's Note: The following is a true story. The names of the people and the locations have been withheld to protect the privacy of those involved. By Lori Price SUSSEX COUNTY-Rudolph the red nosed reindeer leading the way on a particularly foggy night ... the naughty and nice list ... animals given the gift of speech only on Christmas eve when all human life is fast asleep ... ghosts of Christmas' past, present and future does an angel really get wings every time a bell is rung? Christmas myths, mysteries and tales. There are just too many to mention. But, how does Santa fit down the chimneys and eat all those cookies left out for him? And how does he accomplish all that he does in just one night? The answers to these questions have been pondered by the young for generations, leaving many parents tongue tied not truly knowing the answers for sure. Each and every Christmas eve you can hear some news anchor personnel announce a Santa sighting in the sky over a far flung city somewhere. And how about the popular "Yes Virginia there really is a Santa Claus" editorial from the NY Sun dating back to 1897. With information such as this giving credence to these myths how could one not wonder about their validity? Last week, this newspaper received a breaking news story from a reliable source who requested her name be withheld, concerning a mystery involving a particular Sussex County Frosty the Snowman. According to the facts uncovered by a self appointed, investigative reporter the corn cob pipe smoking, round, white, male may in fact be coming to life at night, as depicted in the Christmas tale. The alleged incident began when a decorative Frosty lawn ornament went missing from its owners' property only to turn up days later a few doors down. There he stood charmingly displayed on the neighbors' lawn showing no signs of shock or traumatic stress disorder. Frosty's mysterious travels were repeated several more times for the next few days, each time reappearing at a different location. Was this the malicious action of a bad guy wearing a black top hat? Or was Frosty in full control of his actions at the alleged time of the disappearance? Since no 9-1-1calls were ever received, the local police department had no jurisdiction to conduct a criminal investigation. Interviews with Frosty's family determined that domestic issues did not appear to be a contributing factor in the disappearance. Clues at the scene showed no signs of forced electrical unplugging or strong-arm removal of the beloved ornamental man. Frosty may not have been a victim of foul play at the hands of a mad man. A full-body, cavity search proved beyond a reason of a doubt that he sustained no bodily injuries or blunt force trauma during the incident. According to some experts, his chronic smile may be an indication that he knows more than he is willing to disclose at this time. Was Frosty a willing participant in this escapade? Are there accomplices still at large? His silence is a good indication that he pleads the fifth, choosing to remain quiet at least during day light hours when he remains under close watch. After interviews with the parties involved, who asked they not be named, it seems quite obvious that the Frosty in question may have, by his own free will, chosen this life of adventure, spreading joy and goodwill to all he comes in contact with this holiday season. Proving once and for all that the age old myth of Frosty the Snowman coming to life may be factual after all. The mystery continues night after night with this one particular Frosty being seen on numerous lawns in the area. Police are baffled and vow to remain vigilant, hoping to catch the traveling jolly, happy soul in the disappearing act. Where he'll show up next, no one knows. Each and every escape to a new location appears to have been executed with exacting cold precision. Does Frosty's family miss the happy face with the button nose and two eyes made out of coal greeting them each day, while he's elsewhere adorning the lawns of others? Maybe, but the family assured this newspaper in an exclusive interview that Frosty only appears in the front yards of friends and neighbors. And as mysteriously as he disappears day after day, at the end of the season his family suspects he'll return home again.