Bristol Glen administrator receives volunteer award
NEWTON-An administrator at Bristol Glen was presented with an award from the Sussex County Division of Senior Services for volunteerism last month. James W. McCracken serves at the continuing care retirement community, which operates under the auspices of The United Methodist Homes of New Jersey. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the New Jersey Association of Non-Profit Homes for the Aging and Advisory Board of the Sussex County Senior Services; and has been active in housing issues for seniors throughout Sussex County and internationally. "Jim is a dedicated volunteer and is very concerned with the quality of life for seniors," said Mary Lou McCutcheon, executive director of senior services. "He can always be counted on to offer help whenever it's needed." McCracken is a member of the Newton Rotary Club in District 7470 and serves on the Board of Directors of The Chiapas Project, Inc., an international relief organization bringing volunteers to Chiapas, Mexico, where they provide medical and dental care to the indigenous Zoque people of the region. McCracken, as part of his commitment to this volunteer effort, travels to Mexico regularly.