Byram students move well into new school
BYRAM According to Peter Morris, a fifth grade teacher at Byram Intermediate School, students transitioned very well from being fourth graders at the Byram Lakes Elementary School to being fifth graders at the Byram Intermediate School with a homeroom, lockers and much more time management responsibility. In Morris' class, students ended the first week of the year with a mature discussion about the events and aftermath of September 11, 2001. Students discussed how this catastrophe has impacted their lives, even though they were very young, or not even born, when the attack took place. During the week of September 19 the class will be celebrating Constitution Week. On September 17, 1787, delegates of the original 13 states signed the Constitution and and this event will commemorate that historic day. Students will learn about the history of the US Constitution, especially the first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights. The class will also be implementing the new anti-bullying curriculum into the fifth grade Science and Social Studies classes this year. Students will learn the different types of bullying with lessons and great activities. According to Morris, the class has already made Pinwheels for Peace that will be planted out on Mansfield Drive so that everybody coming in and out of the Byram Schools will know the school is committed to fostering a peaceful environment.