County Prosecutor
September 12 Amy DeLuise, 27, of Hamburg, pled guilty to two counts of possession of heroin, one count of hindering the apprehension of another, one count of contempt of a domestic violence order, one count of defiant trespass, two counts of burglary, two counts of theft and a motor vehicle ticket for failure to signal. In addition, DeLuise pled guilty to attempting to defraud a drug test and aggravated assault. She is scheduled to be sentenced next month. According to court records, on June 28, 2004, DeLuise was stopped by Patrolman Evan Mattessich for failing to signal. At the time of the traffic stop, DeLuise was found to be in possession of a bag of heroin. On July 26, 2004, she assisted two other individuals in leaving the scene of a burglary and theft in Vernon. On July 28, 2004, she was found to be in possession of nine bags of heroin in Wantage Township by Vernon detectives investigating the burglary and theft two days earlier. On Dec. 4, 2004, DeLuise violated a restraining order by returning to the home of her mother. On Sept. 24 and Sept. 28, 2004, she entered a home in Jefferson Township and stole properly from it. On April 19, 2004, she possessed a container of urine while at the Sussex Co. Probation Department in order to defraud a drug test that was going to be administered. She subsequently became involved in an assault upon Sheriff's Officer Klista Trumper by biting the officer on the finger. Daniel Conklin, 21, of Franklin, pled guilty to two counts of possession of heroin, and to motor vehicle tickets for driving while intoxicated and possessing an expired driver's license. He is scheduled for sentencing in October. According to court records, on May 28, Conklin was stopped in Franklin by Patrolman Jeffrey Snyder and was found to be in possession of three bags of heroin. In addition, Conklin was under influence of heroin at the time he was driving a car. On July 1, Conklin was found to be in possession of one bag of heroin by Hardyston Patrolman Chris Bonfiglio, who had pulled the defendant over for a motor vehicle violation. Conklin's driver's license had expired the day before. Travis Faber, 22, of Sussex Borough, was sentenced to three years drug court probation, 122 days in county jail and $280 in fines. Faber pled guilty on Aug. 1, to theft and conspiracy to commit theft. According to police, on Sept. 2, Faber and another individual agreed to steal more than $500 worth of CDs and DVDs from Blockbuster Video in Montague. Thomas Crozier, 51, of Montague, was sentenced to three years in state prison.. Crozier pled guilty on June 27, to violating his probation. Crozier was placed in drug court on Sept. 13, 2004, after having pleading guilty to possession of cocaine. Phyllis Ann Vigliotti-Stoll, 36, of Newton, pled guilty to impersonation and forgery, and hindering apprehension. Sentencing is to take place next month. Vigliotti-Stoll admitted to taking checks from a room she was cleaning, forged the check owner's signature on two of them and depositing the money into her own account. She then sent an e-mail to the Sussex County Probation Department regarding these deposits claiming to be an employee of the bank. She also sent a letter to Sussex County Superior Court implicating someone else in the crimes.