For Byram cat fight, tough words, no action

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:50

    BYRAM-Although the township recently approved a resolution to enforce an ordinance that prohibits the feeding of wild animals, there is no specific plan to seek out and crack down on those violating the law. The resolution was approved as a measure to help in the town's efforts to trap feral cats. Township officials believe that difficulties encountered in capturing the cats are cause by residents who feed the animals making them less interested in the food left in traps. Despite the decision by the governing body, officials acknowledged there will be no special action taken to enforce the ordinance, nor will the township animal control officer go out looking for violators. "The staff is limited," said Township Manager Greg Poff. "If (the township animal control officer) observes it, they will be issued a violation or summons. But our ability to get out is limited." Residents can take matters in their own hands and file a complaint directly with the township municipal court which will spur an investigation on the part of the township. Yet, officials agree, even that action may not bring about a speedy response due to an overburdened staff. "When complaints are made we will go as soon as possible," said Poff. "However, one person is responsible for 23 square miles. That individual can only be in so many places in so much time."