Kittatinny tops NJ tech competition
NEWTON-Technology students from Kittatinny Regional High School won more awards than any other participating school at this year's New Jersey Technology Student Association Conference held recently at the College of New Jersey. Kittatinny received a total of 18 trophies in competitions that challenge students to develop solutions to various design scenarios in the fields of communication, power and energy, transportation, medical and biotechnology, manufacturing, and construction technologies. Kittatinny also earned the right to represent New Jersey at the national competition in the computer-aided design competitions in both the engineering and architectural categories. Ryan McCaskill was awarded a $500 scholarship, which is the first ever given by the association. Jim Hofmann received a plaque for his contribution as a state officer for the past four years. First Place awards went to: Brienne Frey - CAD Architectural Design; Ryan McCaskill - CAD Engineering Design; team of Jordan Held, Jeremy Graham and Jesse Klimeck - Sci-Vis Computer Animation; team of Andrew Thome and Tim Hennessey - Technological Systems. Second Place awards went to: team of Ben Campbell and Rich Branick - Technology Challenge; team of Leo Inglima and Ryan McCaskill - Architectural Model; Leo Inglima - CAD Architectural Design; Marco Chomut - CAD Engineering Design; Justin Simpson - Architectural Animation; team of Brienne Frey and Marie Fisher - Engineering Design; team of Tim Sanford and Nick Hernandez - Film Technology; Marie Fisher - Imaging Technology; Dan Dewey-Mattia - Sci-Vis Computer Animation. Third Place awards went to: team of Terry Wilson, Charlie Woods and Steve Beier - Technology Bowl; team of PJ Post and Anthony Lentini - Agriculture/Biotech Technology; Tim Sanford n Architectural Animation; team of Rich Branick and Ben Campbell n Engineering Design; and team of Jane Petrick and Brienne Frey n Medical Technology.