Lenape teen named to poets ‘top ten' list

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:12

    STANHOPE - Lenape Valley Regional High School senior Alina Hancock has recently been awarded the honor of "Top Ten Poet" by Creative Communication, Inc. For her poem "Sounds of the Night" Hancock received a cash prize, a free copy of the publication's fall edition, and a certificate honoring her poem as one of the 10 best received in her age range. According to Hancock, the poem began as "just an idea [that came about] while writing during class" and details the subtle beauties one may experience while lying in a quiet night setting. She found the honor a surprise. "I'm really grateful and proud to be able to express my feelings, imagination and thoughts" Hancock said. Hancock, who speaks strong Polish, will also be interviewed by a Polish radio station in May to talk more of her poetry. Her English teacher, Marta Rivara, praised her work. She said Alina is a unique "product of two cultures [who] writes poetry that reflects both the beauty of Poland and her experiences here in America."