County to host health classes
NEWTON — Seniors or disabled individuals and/or their caregivers, who are dealing with chronic conditions or a disability, are invited to participate in “Take Control of Your Health” classes, sponsored by the Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Senior Services.
The “Take Control of Your Health” class is a free six-week, 2 ½ hour per week course, based on a chronic disease self-management model developed by the Self-Management Resource Center. Each week the interactive class led by a team of Peer Leaders will assist participants in building the skills necessary to manage symptoms; communicate effectively with healthcare professionals; develop healthy lifestyles including good nutrition and exercise; alleviate fear, anger and frustration; make daily tasks easier; and get more out of life.
The course is supplemented with a manual “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions” that is provided to each participant.
A new course is currently scheduled to take place each Wednesday from April 3 through May 8, =, from 9:30 a.m. until noon at the Lafayette Municipal Building which is located at 33 Morris Farm Road, Lafayette, NJ. Light snacks will be provided at each session.
Space is limited and registration is required. Contact the Sussex County Division of Senior Services today at (973) 579-0555, ext. 1222 or to learn more about the “Take Control of Your Health” program.