Learn the art of pastel use by a professional
HAMPTON. All are welcome to Gayle Fedigan’s art demonstration sponsored by the Sussex County Art Society.

The Sussex County Art Society is sponsoring an art demonstration in pastels by professional artist Gayle Fedigan. This demonstration will be given at noon on Thursday, September 8, at the Hampton Community Center, 1 Rumsey Way, Newton. The public and prospective members are welcome to attend.
Gayle Clark Fedigan has been an accomplished pastel instructor and artist for 35 years. She has taught at the Desmond Campus, Mt. St. Mary College in Newburgh, NY, and at workshops in Ireland, Italy and France. Her paintings have been accepted four times into the Pastel Society of America Show, National Arts Club, Gramercy Park, NYC, and have received numerous awards and honors at other shows, including the Kent Art Association, the Orange County Arts Federation, the Old Greenwich Art Society Show and the Cape Cod Artists Association Show.
Gayle said in her artist’s statement, “Painting is my meditation on creation. It empties me of everything but the moment and what gifts I bring to it. One of my teachers, Lisa Specht, said that knowledge is the one thing you can give away and still keep. I have been blessed to be on both the receiving and giving ends of that equation from all my teachers and students. Painting is my joy. Every painting represents an honest attempt to make it my best.”
More about Gayle and her paintings may be viewed on her website: gaylefedigan.com.
The Sussex County Art Society regularly meets on the second Thursday of the month from noon until 3 p.m. The society has served artists in Sussex County since 1964. Besides inviting guest artists to demonstrate at their monthly meetings, members also hold informal critiquing sessions in which suggestions to improve a member’s painting are made. Members also exhibit their artwork in the municipal buildings of Lafayette, Frankford and Hampton townships.
Funding for their demonstrations has been made available in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through the State/County Partnership Block Grant Program, as administered by the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council. Watch for future programs on the SCAS Facebook page.