Newton Recovery training session scheduled

| 20 Jun 2019 | 10:15

    Have you ever thought that you would like to offer your time and talent to help those seeking and sustaining recovery from addiction? Do you have a story of hope to share and a hand to lend?
    With the acceptance of a state grant to implement the creation of a Recovery Community Center to provide recovery support services in Sussex County, The Center for Prevention and Counseling in Newton is looking for people like you to volunteer. A dedicated staff of recovery support professionals is hosting a unique and engaging volunteer training on Saturday, June 15.
    Apply today to be involved in this first ever recovery community center in our area and be part of an effort to learn the best way to help others sustain and support recovery.
    The Center is so appreciative of volunteers and knows that each person has something unique to offer and understands that many hands make light work.
    Interested persons can fill out an online application to here and you will be contacted by a volunteer coordinator with further information. Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 15, from 9-11 a.m. to attend the two hour volunteer training developed by recovery support staff that will include a review of volunteer roles, boundaries and ethics. Breakfast will be provided as well as an opportunity to network and meet up with others in the local recovery community.