Pass It Along celebrates AmeriCorps Week

Every day across the United States, over 83,000 AmeriCorps members strive to make an impact on their country. Whether its running after-school programs, serving in mentoring programs or facilitating community service projects or assisting the less fortunate, In an effort to acknowledge the accomplishments of AmeriCorps members nationwide and their commitment to service, the AmeriCorps program celebrates the week of March 10 as annual AmeriCorps Week. AmeriCorps Week puts a spotlight on AmeriCorps impact in communities across the country in order to motivate others to either join the AmeriCorps program or volunteer in their community. Currently Pass It Along has three AmeriCorps members serving 1 year terms as Program Associates.. Their year long term of service consists of fulfilling 1,700 hours of service and in return receiving an annual living stipend and upon successful completion of their hours will also receive an Eli Segal Education Award which can be used to help pay for college tuition or to pay off existing student loans. In their position as Program Associates at Pass It Along, AmeriCorps members, Raffaela Bonventre, Thersea Wotjecki and Patricia Chesnulovitch have been active in the community by working on community service projects throughout Sussex County. They have served in various programs that are designed to help others while teaching teens about the needs that exist in their community and how by volunteering they can help to meet those needs. They have helped to foster a love for service in Pass It Along's youth volunteers and have also helped to create and develop new programs that give youth volunteers the chance to make a difference and give back to their communities. As part of their service they traveled to Atlanta, Ga. for a four day conference with other AmeriCorps members from across the country. During this conference they attended several workshops including an overnight experience at Global Village, where they lived in a simulated village where they learned firsthand about poverty . These dedicated AmeriCorps members then used this training to enhance their volunteer experience at Pass It Along.. These members play a vital role at Pass It Along and during AmeriCorps week we celebrate them and their commitment to volunteer service. For further information about the opportunities available through the AmeriCorps program, visit www. For Further information about Pass It Along is available at