Search is on for healthiest school
Sussex County Sussex Countys Pioneering Healthier Communities (PHC) once again is searching for the school most committed to making healthier choices for its students. All public and private schools in Sussex County are eligible to participate and this year the search has been expanded to include high schools. The chosen school will be announced at the Sussex County YMCAs Healthy Kids Day on April 29 and will be awarded a banner to display at their school plus a $1,000 grant from Newton Medical Center to support their continued healthy efforts. Sussex Wantage School District was named the Healthiest School during this search in 2011. Schools that want to participate should request nomination and evaluation forms from the Sussex County YMCA in Hardyston, a PHC partner organization or call or e-mail Jennifer Gardner at 973-209-9622 or Deadline for inclusion in the contest is April 2. Schools submit their own nomination explaining how they exceed the state standards in physical activity and healthy eating as well as other innovative approaches they are taking to improve the health of their students. We look forward to learning all the creative things our countys schools are doing to get kids more active and to give them skills to empower themselves to make healthy food choices, said Tom Senker, president and CEO of Newton Medical Center and PHC team member. This spring, on behalf of the hospital, I will be happy to present the winning school with a grant to further their healthy lifestyle efforts. However, all schools that enter our search are winners in my opinion because any administration that puts childrens health and well-being at the forefront along with education is already a champion.