SCH1 Geoffrey Ithen leads a tour of the Old Newton Burial Ground. (Photos by Nancy Madacsi)

SCH2 Susan Keenan of Lost Art Lacers of North Jersey.

SCH3 The Long Hill String Band performs during the event.

SCH4 Nilla and Dax Wolf feed Sadie the Turtle.

SCH5 Kevin Conn, Coulson Conn and Doug Kitchell of the New Jersey Frontier Guard living history association.

Jeff Kaplan with Gwendolyn, a ghost boa constrictor.

Jennifer Brylinski, Alex Everitt, Geoffrey Ithen and Wendy Wyman in period costumes Saturday, Sept. 21 at Sussex County History Day in Newton.

Kim LeSoine mounting a bayonet.

Joe Warner of Sparta with a Model T.

Alex Everitt.

Mario Poggi, organizer of Sussex County HIstory Day.