Mars, Inc. volunteers to clean up Waterloo Village

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:08

BYRAM — Twelve volunteers from Mars, Inc. spent the day working to remove weeds and debris from several old animal pens and around the large kitchen garden that surrounds the historic cabin area at Waterloo Village. The work was done in order to prepare the historic village for upcoming tours by school children. The Partners for Parks Program is the Land Conservancy of New Jersey's stewardship program, bringing corporate groups of volunteers out to New Jersey's parks in order to complete projects that are otherwise difficult or impossible to complete due to parks' limited resources. The Land Conservancy of New Jersey is celebrating its 30th anniversary as a non-profit member supported organization dedicated to preserving and protecting New Jersey's vital natural lands and drinking water resources. To date, The Conservancy has helped preserve nearly 18,000 acres of critical open space lands and helped towns receive close to 220 million dollars for their land conservation projects. For more information please visit or call 973-541-1010.