New manager reports for duty in Byram

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:13

    BYRAM-There was a new chief in town last Monday. On June 7, Byram Township's new manager, Gregory Poff, attended his first council meeting. Afterward he said he was impressed and happy with his first public meeting in the Township of Lakes. "There is a lot of public participation here, much more than I am accustomed to, and that is a good thing," said Poff. Having recently left Randolph, where he was assistant manager, he said that no more than two or three people typically attended each meeting there. In comparison, he estimated that there were between 18 and 20 people in attendance for his first meeting in Byram. "There are still a lot of issues left to face, but I thought it was very positive for (my) first council meeting," said Poff. Feral cats, BYOB, the township's master plan, and CO Johnson Park were just a few of the items that Poff said he would be further examining after the meeting. He added that with the volume of public participation, he was able to hear a number of "great" ideas when these issues were discussed. "Government works best when people are involved," said Poff. For now, he said that he will try to find Byram's most "pressing" issues first, and have them placed on the agenda for the council at future meetings. "There are a lot of things going on," said Poff. "I hope that under my leadership, people will find their local government to be responsible." Poff intends to move into Byram Township within the next few months. "We have a very good township staff and council, and people who are very interested in their government," said Poff. "Of course I'm looking forward to moving into town. What more could I ask for?"