Newton firm's program offers a Shield and a Whale to protect children

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:51

    NEWTON-As a family man, the safety of children is the primary goal of Lew Tasso. As a businessman, it is latest enterprise. L.Tasso Safety and Security based in Newton recently introduced the Ride-N-Roll ID Program designed to provide emergency personnel with the medical and personal information of young victims involved in an accident. The company is offering what it calls the W.H.A.L.E (We Have A Little Emergency) car seat kit and the S.H.I.E.L.D (Safety Helmet Identification and Emergency Lifesaving Data) safety helmet kit. Both kids include a sticker shield that alerts first responders on the scene to the availability of the child's critical information on the car seat or under the helmet so that first responders can determine the best possible medical treatment. The Ride-N-Roll ID Program was recently launched in the Newton, Hampton, Andover, and Sparta areas and will branch out to other areas of the county and state in the near future. The W.H.A.L.E and S.H.I.E.L.D kits are recognized by emergency services nationwide. Tasso is encouraging local businesses and service organizations to help in the efforts by providing the kits to their customers or members. For people who already have the kits installed, Tasso emphasizes the need to update the information as often as possible. The company began notifying local emergency services about the program when it was in development. In addition to educating emergency services organizations to the program, Tasso will be providing program information to school systems, hospitals, organizations, and town government officials. "I developed this program with many things in mind. This program will save valuable time at the scene of an accident," he said. "Overall, this will be a team effort between participants, emergency services, and families who receive the kits. If we all work together, everyone will benefit." Tasso Safety and Security carries a variety of identification and safety products. Included in the line are DNA kits, fingerprint ink strips, safety activity books, CDs, and videos. The company is also available for child safety events, lectures, and fundraisers. Tasso has previously worked with the Andover Township Police to record the students in the school system. "Emergency services will appreciate the access to young victim information in an emergency, and families will have a peace of mind knowing their children would receive the best care in an emergency," concluded Tasso. For information, call toll free at 877-361-2255. On-line at or e-mail