Newton youngster captures second place for anti-drug message poster
NEWTON-Janell Carr, program director from Pass-It-Along presents a certificate and U.S. Savings Bond to Zachary Tyler-Steven Ryan, 8, of Brookside Terrace Apartments for winning second place in the New Jersey Affordable Housing Management Association Calendar Poster Contest. The contest at Brookside Terrace Apartments was hosted by Pass-It-Along of Sparta, a non-profit organization that provides opportunities for all ages to volunteer for community service. Each year children from communities in affordable housing from all over the country participate in poster contest activities and submit their completed posters based on an anti-drug theme. "The competition fosters an awareness of the dangers of alcohol and drugs and provides a wholesome alternative activity," says Virginia Shamlian, Director of Social Services at Brookside Terrace Apartments. "It gives the kids a way to express themselves and the opportunity for the community to get together and promote the anti-drug message." Zach's winning poster will be sent to Washington, D.C. to compete with winners from other AHMA's around the country. Fourteen winning posters will be selected and published in the 2005 Poster Calendar. The National Grand Prize Winner receives an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. and an educational scholarship.