Roses help form sister group
SPARTA The Blessed Kateri Squire Roses held an investiture ceremony in Palisades Park on Monday, Jan. 9. The Squire Roses have organized and participated in events such as fund raising for Birth Haven, collecting for Respect Life and various community service projects. Blessed Kateris Squire Roses made the trip to Notre Dame Inter-parochial Academy in Palisades Park to perform the ceremony that created another group of Squire Roses. Nine girls were accepted into the circle by the Squire Roses officers Chief Squire Rose, Tara More, Deputy Chief Squire Rose Melissa Di Santi, Treasurer Samantha Vertucci, Ceremonial Guard Nicole Regelski, and Secretary Kalin Hagedorn. If you are interested in becoming a Blessed Kateri Squire Rose, please email us at