Stanhope continues to discuss cost of municipal services

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:39

    Stanhope — “We need to have a greater discussion about this sooner rather than later,” said Mayor Diana Kuncken about Stanhope's upcoming rate hike for garbage pickup at the council's Dec. 6 meeting. In 2012 tipping fees are scheduled to rise from $89 per ton to $96 a ton. Kuncken said Stanhope officials met with Sparta officials to ask questions about their move to creating their own garbage utility. Stanhope is concerned that the increase in pickup costs will eventually exceed the two percent tax cap imposed by Gov. Chris Christie. Kuncken said the borough should increase their education efforts on the importance of recycling to residents. “There’s a lot of work that needs to be done before we make the transition over,” said Kuncken. In other business The town council and the recreation commission met to discuss plans for the recreation commission’s summer programs. Last year, the Netcong School was under construction and the recreation programs took place instead in Byram. With the programs combined between Byram, Stanhope and Netcong, the Byram location was not convenient for all residents involved. Last year, the commission approached the Stanhope School too late in the season and the school could not accommodate the program. This year, with the commission reaching out to the locations earlier, and the Netcong School no longer under construction, there are more possibilities. Additionally, the commission would like to have programs for teens and adults. They are currently seeking additional members to help organize events and activities. To volunteer, contact borough hall at 973-347-0159. Stanhope’s annual reorganization meeting will take place on Sunday, Jan. 1, 2012, at noon.