Sussex County Elks announce essay contest
NEWTON The Sussex County Elks Lodge 2288 is sponsoring an essay contest for students in grades fifth through eighth in Sussex County. The theme is "Why I Am Proud to Pledge Allegiance to Our Flag." The length can not be more than 250 words typed or legibly written in ink. The essay must be received on or before Jan. 18. The winner of the essay contest will receive a $50 US Savings Bond. The winning entry will move up to the district level where that winner will be forwarded to the national level. National winners in each division, grades fifth through eighth, will win US Savings Bond ranging in value from $250 to $1,000. Winners will be announced in July. An Elks cover sheet must be submitted with the essay. For more information and an essay cover sheet, contact Carol Lee Spages at 973-383-0731 or email The Elks is a community service organization serving children with special needs, supporting veterans, promoting drug awareness, Americanism and youth activities.