What advice would you give to incoming 6th graders?
| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:52
"I think you should study for the tests because if you don't, you're going to fail. You have to study 24-7 because you can't wing it." Eddie Franco "In the sixth grade you have different teachers, and they are a lot stricter and some of them are a lot harder." Emily Viganola "You really have to pay attention in the classes. Also, keep your notes for next year." William McKinney "Always think positive when you take tests and prepare for them. But if you fail, you know you've tried your best." Charlodd Lawrence "If you go into a class, don't forget your book. You could get a detention." Travis Westura "Take really neat and precise notes and stay organized. Once you get the information, you're expected to know it." Kaitlyn Smith