Y offers lifeguard training over winter vacation

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:33

    Hardyston — The Sussex County YMCA will offer a 40-hour American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Course from Dec. 26 to 30. Included in this class are Lifeguard, CPR for the Professional Rescuer, First Aida nd AED certifications. The course offers hands-on practice in surveillance and rescue skills, in and out of water, and teaches how to interact with the public. To be considered for admission, candidates must pass all mandatory pre-requisites and be 15 years old by the last day of class. Attendance at all classes is mandatory. Receiving Lifeguard certification now can help in securing a summer job. “Don’t wait until the spring. Begin your summer job search today,” suggests Rebecca Carlson, Senior Programming and Aquatics Director at the Sussex County YMCA. “Winter vacation is a great time to get your certification.” The Y will also be offering an American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor course over the vacation. This course is designed for current lifeguards, 18 and older, who are interested in teaching others to become guards themselves. Registration forms and mandatory pre-requisites can be found at www.sussexcountyymca.org. For more information contact the Aquatics Department at the Sussex County YMCA, 973-209-9622.