Thanks for the support

| 15 Feb 2012 | 09:35

    A heartfelt thank you to all whom have helped our family with an outpouring of compassion for Chase in his illness and Tierney in her recovery. We will never be able to express in words the insurmountable gratitude that dwells in our hearts for all you have done for our family. Your kind words, acts of selfless giving, and your endless prayers have truly kept us going. We wish to thank the men and women that saved Tierney’s life on June 5. To the EMT squad that arrived and the paramedics. Thank you for providing her with the immediate care she desperately needed. We wish to thank all the care givers at Morristown Memorial Hospital as you could not have done a better job addressing her issues. Thank you for the impeccable care you provided as you professionally treated her devastating physical injuries and compassionately nursed the distress of our entire family. Thank you to all the volunteers that planned and assisted at the Tierney Veliz Coming Home Benefit. Your time and efforts were so very much appreciated and you vividly exemplified a unified, caring community and its boundless potential. To all those that gave with a cheerful joy filled heart, your generosity was truly a reflection of selflessness. You have provided assurance that God is with us as we witnessed Him working all around us through your generous hands... As a family we will never and will continue our prayers of thanks. May God Bless you all. Tierney continues to say her favorite prayers daily one of which is, Believe, “I can do all things through God who strengthens me” Phil.4:13. The Veliz family, Rosemarie, Edmundo, Tierney, Chase, Christian and Marina