7 in Troop 95 become Eagle Scouts
SPARTA. To reach that rank, Scouts must complete a significant project and go before an Eagle Board of Review.

Seven members of BSA Troop 95 of Sparta earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 2024.
Eagle Scout is the highest honor in Scouting.
To reach that rank, Scouts must complete a significant project and go before an Eagle Board of Review, where they reflected on the bonds they’ve forged, the challenges they’ve overcome and the experiences that shaped them during their time in Troop 95.
The 2024 Eagle Scouts are James Illardi of Oak Ridge, Frank Gazzillo of Sparta, Noah Adkins of Sparta, Matthew Stenderowicz of Newton, Toby Pilger of Sandyston, Andrew Wilson of Sparta and Vincent Notarnicola of Lafayette.
For their Eagle Scout projects, Illardi and Gazzillo each completed projects at St. John Vianney Church in Stockholm. Illardi cleaned up the grounds and Gazzillo improved the interior of the event venue.
Adkins built vegetable planters for the Sparta Food Pantry.
Wilson built and refurbished boat and oar racks for the Sussex County Rowing Club in Lake Mohawk.
Stenderowicz tackled hardscaping at Our Lady of the Lake Church in Sparta.
Notarnicola improved the band room at Pope John XXIII Regional High School in Sparta.
Pilger restored the butterfly garden at Helen Morgan School in Sparta, preserving and refurbishing a space created years ago as part of a previous Eagle Scout project.
During their Eagle Boards of Review, the Scouts reminisced about their time in Troop 95, with many citing the backpacking trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico as a highlight. Other experiences included summer camp, whitewater rafting and winter camping.
“Seeing seven Scouts earn the rank of Eagle in one year is incredible,” said Don Fowler, former Scoutmaster of Troop 95. “It shows how dedicated and determined they’ve been, not just in reaching Eagle but throughout their entire time in Scouting.
“These young men have built strong friendships and have set a great example for the younger Scouts, leaving behind a legacy of servant leadership and service that we’re all proud of.”
After many years in the role, Fowler recently passed the Scoutmaster post to Nick Franko of Sparta.
For information about Troop 95, go online ti Troop95Sparta.com
Meetings are from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Mondays at Helen Morgan School during the school year.
Three photos are attached: One has Adkins front and center, as Senior Patrol Leader in 2023, leading a backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail.One has five of the Eagles prior to a high adventure trek at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico in 2022. Ilardi, Stenderowicz, Notarnicola, Gazzillo and Wilson are in that photo. And a more recent photo of Stenderowicz, Notarnicola and Wilson on a backpacking trip last month on the Appalachian trail.Pilger does not like his photo published, so he is the only Eagle not represented in these photos.