Cub Scout Pack 181 celebrates advancements

ANDOVER. The scout pack participated in a variety of activities, including an annual Community Cleanup event.

| 02 Sep 2022 | 02:16

Cub Scout Pack 181 of Andover-Green was pleased to announce to advancement of all of its scouts to their next rank and award them their many belt loops and achievements. Congratulations were given to scouts to Jimmy Lovasi, Michael Delguercio, and Anthony Delguercio, all 11 years old, who earned their Arrow of Light and crossed over to Boy Scout Troop 85!

Over the last 12 months, our scouts went hiking, fishing, marched in the Newton Holiday Parade and Fireman’s Parade, tried out BB gun shooting, overnight camping, raced handmade cars in the annual Pinewood Derby, cheered on our Sussex County Miners to a win, and participated in the annual Community Cleanup!

“Pack 181 is very excited for another fun and exciting year!” said Cubmaster Steve Storch.

If anyone is interested in joining, visit